Salesforce CPQ

Salesforce CPQ

Integrate Advanced Quoting Into Your CRM Platform And Turn Salesforce Into A Quote-Generating Powerhouse. Generate Beautiful, Customizable And Accurate Salesforce Quotes Within A Fraction Of Seconds. Automate End To End Process With Contract Creation, E-Signature, And Integrated Payments.

Steps Involved Implenting Sales

Select & Configure

Come up with the right combination of goods and services using automatic recommendations.


Incentivize your customers with different discount slabs, promotions and offers that are personalized for every individual customer.


After the required pricing decision, send a formal, accurate and timely quote to customers who are expected to make a purchase.

Proposal & Contract

Mitigate revenue risks by specifying comprehensive terms and conditions along with contracts.

Order Management

Organize invoices, auto-generate subscriptions and renewals and handle shipping professionally and in a timely manner.

Billing & Receipts

Get rid of discounting and special deal errors in the billing. Create and send bills within the pre-established timeframe. As the bills get paid off, track and review the influx of money for accuracy


Get actionable quote-to-cash insights and analyze its impact in real-time on the workflow and revenue forecasts.